Danny is quite pissed, and lets loose with the full fury of the Iron Fist.

In the same vein, most of the time their sandals, shields and sometimes also the complete armor stays on the ground with their owner forcibly removed, so that when the legionnaire finally comes down, he does so in underwear only. The magic-potion-powered Gauls frequently send Roman Legionnaires flying so high that they don't come down for several more panels.See Power Fist for another way to punch somebody really hard. Punched Across the Room is a more low-key, 'serious' version of this trope. If the victim is, in fact, completely and utterly innocent of such things and nothing naughty happened then it's an Unprovoked Pervert Payback. May cause a Nose Bleed if hit in the face, or if the character is being punched for seeing his attacker naked. Not to be confused with Rocket Punch, although it's only a matter of time before the two are combined. If they're using a weapon of some sort, they may be a Home-Run Hitter instead. When it's Pervert Revenge Mode, compare Bitch Slap, which this trope is often combined with, or Hyperspace Mallet for another option an angry anime girl might try.

On the other hand, it may be played straight if the attacker is just that strong. This is usually an adaptation of a one-panel gag the animators end up having fun with, although the usual treatment is to make it so over the top that it's not mistaken for real violence.

Sometimes reaching Low Earth Orbit and vanishing as A Twinkle in the Sky, or in extreme cases, right into the Sun.

" Megaton Punch" weapon description, DisgaeaĪ punch so strong it doesn't just send its target across the room it sends them across town, or to another state, or even another country.